Due to an oversight in the Winter 2023 edition of the Pipeline Newsletter, the Local 488 Election Committee would like to make the following clarification:
If you have a registered email address with Local Union 488 you will be sent an e-ballot ONLY.
You will not be given the opportunity to request a mailed ballot as was mentioned on page 18 of the Winter 2023 Pipeline Newsletter, affording you the opportunity of receiving 2 ballots.
Please accept our apologies for any confusion created by the article published in the newsletter.
Act now while you still can to get some of these limited offer, local 488 sprinklerfitter, merchandise items! Hats, Shirts, and Travel Mugs all in limited quanitities.
Tax season is right around the corner and our friends at Canada’s Building Trades Unions are hosting a free webinar on : Claiming The Labour Mobility Tax Deduction. Click the link below to register and find out how to claim this benefit.
A reminder that nominations of committee members will take place at our upcoming General Meeting on January 21, 2023. Additional information can be found in the pipeline newsletter.
Please click on the document below to view the results of the recent run-off election held in our dispatch hall on December 17th, 2022 for the final position in the Executive Board.