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Important Notice

Fort McMurray Update

Attention all members,

Due to the ongoing wildfire situation in the Wood Buffalo Municipality the Local 488 Fort Mcmurray office will not be open, Local 488 Agents will be available at our Edmonton office and by phone.

Thank you,

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Important News & Events Notice

2024-2025 APTC Apprenticeship Class Schedule

APTC will begin taking registrations for apprenticeship classes next school year next week! Registrations start each day at 8:30 am and can be completed in person or via phone (780 488 1266). Students must present their AIT number and payment in full to reserve their seat in the upcoming class. Please note that individual trades will have an opening day of registration for their trade to eliminate long line ups. Starting May 21, 2024 registrations for any classes will start.


Tuesday May 14, 2024 – Plumber

Wednesday May 15, 2024 – Welder

Thursday May 16, 2024 – SFPF

Friday May 17, 2024 – 1st period Common

Thank you,

Chris Waples, B. Ed., RSE

Director of Education