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Important News & Events Notice

The GPMC wants your feedback!

Attention Members,

The GPMC wants your feedback! Please be as detailed as possible in your responses, as this is your opportunity for your voice to be heard. Below is information on the GPMC and how to complete their survey and enter for a chance to win $100. Please share this post so we can get as many people to voice their concerns.

“GPMC/NMC is an alliance of International Unions that represents unionized workers across the country to negotiate multi trade maintenance collective agreements We want to step up the level of representation we provide to you as the members we serve. As part of that, we’ll be reaching out with surveys to better understand what you need from us and from your maintenance collective agreements. This is our first survey – it’s designed to be a short one. We hope you will sign up for more, so you can expect to hear more from us soon. We need your feedback to help us improve the way we conduct our business. Please take a couple of minutes to answer these first questions so that we can get to know you and your needs. At the end of the survey, you can enter to win a $100 prepaid credit card – every GPMC/NMC site will have a winner!” (click on the photo to access survey)