GMPA/NMA Major Changes Coming!!
We have some more good news from the Local. For those working under the GMPC/NMC Agreement, we are excited to announce that effective January 1, 2023, double time (DT) and hours earned have returned in the 2023/2024 agreement.
- DT will now begin at after ten (10) hours on all regular workdays
- DT for all hours worked on Saturdays
- DT for all hours worked on Sundays (for both Long-Term and Short-Term Maintenance workers)
- DT for all hours on all Statutory Holidays
- We have eliminated the $0.75 difference for LTM in the Fort McMurray area
This announcement is well deserved and will surely help our members to live a better quality of life.
Please see below and click on the link to read the full announcement from the GPMC.
Fraternally Yours,
Rod McKay
Business Manager
Local Union 488