This course is designed to prepare beginner to intermediate welders for the four (4) CWB test welds. This course does not include the CWB examination and certification. The examination and certification can be booked by the member at the UA Local 488 Weld Test Center.
PPE Requirement: CSA boots, leather gauntleted gloves, safety glasses and long sleeved natural fiber shirt. Welding helmet recommended.
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
TUITION: $60.00
EXAM FEE: Extra Cost
PRE-REQUISITE: Must be a minimum second period registered welding apprentice and a minimum of three (3) registered students.
Call 780-488-1266 to Book
Contact EPT at 780-488-1266 or www.albertapipetrades.ca for course offerings.