Attention RMA Members,

The coffee counter is open daily in the dispatch hall from 8:00am to 10:00am.

If you have any questions please contact the RMA at RETIREDMEMBERS@LOCAL488.CA or call Shelley Klassen, RMA Liaison, at 780-482-9532.

Regular Events

Monthly Luncheons

First Wednesday of every month Excluding July and August

Doors Open at 10:30 am

Lunch served at 12:00 noon

Open to all RMA Members


Crib has resumed on the first Thursday following the Luncheon each month.

These games are open to all members/families and friends. 

Cost is $5 to join for the day,  play starts at 11:00 am sharp!

Dinner Club

Typically Scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month.

Join other RMA Members for Dinner’s around Edmonton and Area

Members are Responsible for their own expenses.

RMA Golf

Join other RMA members for Golf on a variety of courses!

Tuesday’s are typical booking days!

Members are responsible for their own expenses.

Upcoming Special Events

Alaskan Cruise

Phone: 780-482-9532


Check back for regular Updates!